
Open Source


I have a question for you: If you were offered something that would make your live much easier for a nominial fee, and a similar product that did everything the former one did , but for free, which one would you pick.

Here's a second question: Regardless of what you picked in the first question, should you have a choice?

Why am I asking this? Because some people would say no. Link to Slashdot Article.

And while I'm at it, I'd like to say this: If you make something that is your own, and you wish to sell it, go right ahead. However, if someone is giving something similar away, so what? If you are taking someone's money for a product, that product should be superior to the free one, simply because it is costing your customer something.


The Shadow Walker said...


Matt said...


Some people say "You can say that again." I just do it.

As for your orginal post: I'd pick the free one. Unfortunately open source hasn't produced an easy to use, standardized OS. I am therefore torn between Micro$oft and an OS that will a. Take constant work to keep current, or b. An OS that will not properly run my Windows applications.

My solution - Two Comps. One for gaming (MS), one for internet, word docs, & media (OS). Gwen needs a sister anyway. It may take awhile to accomplish this dream