
So what's the Question?

Yesterday, as I made my way across campus, I happened upon a group of students that were waving signs around. Sure, that's all well and good; I couldn't really care less...well, I could. I couldn't have bothered to post it at all...

But that's not the point; The point is this: The signs read "War is not the Answer!"
So...What's the question? Obviously there has to be a question if there is an answer, and War apparently is not the correct answer. Hmmmmmm....

I can easily extrapolate what they mean, but I want to have some fun...

The Questions that war is not the answer to:
-What color is the Sky?
-Why are trees green?
-Why does it rain so much in Western Washington?

The answer to all of these is not war...
Now then, if I choose to correctly extrapolate the question, or I bother to ask them, how would that sound?
-How do you best deal with with Nations that harbor Terrorists?
No no no...That won't work...That's to politically incorrect to get the answer that they are looking for...
-How should the United States have dealt with Nations that harbor Terrorists?
Nope. That won't work.
How about this:
-How we think we should have dealt with Nations that harbor Terrorists?
I suppose. But that's an opinion based answer, so it dones't really work. Oh well, I give up.

Advent: I'm working on it. Be patient. Or else.... >;)


Unknown said...
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The Shadow Walker said...

That got messed up...

Anyways, TBQelite said, "War is not THE answer, only A answer."

Anonymous said...

I am confirming the validity of what Shadow Walker has said about what I wrote in those deleted messages.

Neemund said...

War is definitely the answer to many questions. How do we get rid of a dictator who’s been pissing us off for years? What’s a way to show that UN resolutions aren’t worth the paper that they’re printed on? What’s the name of a small town in West Virginia? How did we defeat the Nazis? How did we keep our country in tact when some states were oppressing other states? Why aren’t we still a British colony? What got us out of the Great Depression?

If peace is the state of not having enemies and strife is the state of having enemies, then war is simply a transitional period from strife to peace.

Neemund said...

I made a point to become knowledgable about it. I have 2 friends who have done two separate tours in Iraq and they fully support the war. I also know several other people who are/have been there and they support it as well. So if the people who actually have been there support it, then I don't see how anyone here cannot support them and what they are fighting for.

Kate Robinson said...

I did a tour in Iraq and I support the war.
Several of my friends also did tours in Iraq, and they do not support the war. But they don't really know why. I think it's more related to their desire to not live in the desert and not get blown up (as some of them have been) than their moral opposition to it.
An interesting thing to find out from people who think that "war is not the answer" would be to find out A) what they think the answer is (presumably they will regurgitate nonsense about "talking" and "peace resolutions" and "anything that doesn't include killing civilians") and B)what we should do next time OUR civilians are killed.
What if these people were mugged in the street, beaten bloody and robbed. What if they not only knew who did it, but knew the friends of the person who did it. What if they also knew that the friends of the mugger were dangerous and made a habit out of mugging dozens of other innocent people and beating their children? What if the police, acting on an informant's information, went into the house of said friends and arrested them, but in the process some of the would-be muggers shot at the police with Uzis, and were subsequently killed, in addition to one innocent child who was endangered by his parents shooting at the police?
Would the police be war criminals?
By the way I thought this was a great blog and I enjoyed Neemud's comments especially.